Membuat Crossover Pasif 1 Way Sederhana Di video ini saya akan mengajak anda Membuat Crossover Pasif 1 Way Sederhana untuk keperluan membuat speaker bok, KIT telah saya uji dan hasilnya tahan lama... Di video ini saya akan mengajak anda Membuat Crossover Pasif 1 Way Sederhana untuk keperluan membuat speaker bok, KIT telah saya uji dan hasilnya tahan lama...
Published: 26-01-2016
Duration: 11:32
Definition: hd
View: 19249
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Comment: 36
Duration: 11:32
Definition: hd
View: 19249
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Comment: 36
Membuat/merakit komponen speaker
Peavey transducer part & Crossover.
Peavey transducer part & Crossover.
Published: 13-01-2017
Duration: 1:50
Definition: hd
View: 20449
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Comment: 23
Duration: 1:50
Definition: hd
View: 20449
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 23
800 Watts 2 Way Crossover
This is an 800 watts crossover board I bought to replace the XO on my old Kling and Freitag CA1515. The old XO, crosses at 1.1 kHz 12 dB/Oct, this replacement is at 1.8 kHz 12db/oct. It won't...
This is an 800 watts crossover board I bought to replace the XO on my old Kling and Freitag CA1515. The old XO, crosses at 1.1 kHz 12 dB/Oct, this replacement is at 1.8 kHz 12db/oct. It won't...
Published: 02-04-2016
Duration: 1:25
Definition: hd
View: 9541
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Comment: 3
Duration: 1:25
Definition: hd
View: 9541
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 3
Tone Control Pasif Tanpa Arus
Tone Control Ini Tanpa Arus. buat Camera Soothing.
Tone Control Ini Tanpa Arus. buat Camera Soothing.
Published: 04-12-2015
Duration: 0:42
Definition: sd
View: 12049
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Comment: 7
Duration: 0:42
Definition: sd
View: 12049
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Comment: 7
Membuat crosover 4 way...
Crosover 4 way ponorogo jawa timur..
Crosover 4 way ponorogo jawa timur..
Published: 02-04-2017
Duration: 1:46
Definition: hd
View: 9513
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 35
Duration: 1:46
Definition: hd
View: 9513
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 35
Presentasi CrossOver Pasif 3 Way
Merupakan presentasi tentang CrossOver Pasis 3 Way sebagai bentuk tugas kuliah.
Merupakan presentasi tentang CrossOver Pasis 3 Way sebagai bentuk tugas kuliah.
Published: 15-01-2014
Duration: 5:51
Definition: sd
View: 6626
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Comment: 4
Duration: 5:51
Definition: sd
View: 6626
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Comment: 4
100% DIY Build Subwoofer Passive Crossover Low Pass Filter
Finally done doing this project I started a few months ago for the passive subwoofer I made late last year. I choose the Butterworth type filter because it only involves a few winds of magnet...
Finally done doing this project I started a few months ago for the passive subwoofer I made late last year. I choose the Butterworth type filter because it only involves a few winds of magnet...
Published: 09-05-2017
Duration: 4:48
Definition: hd
View: 535887
Like: 1331
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 134
Duration: 4:48
Definition: hd
View: 535887
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Comment: 134
Cara Memasang Crossover
Bisa juga menggunakan Capasitor non polar jika darurat.
Bisa juga menggunakan Capasitor non polar jika darurat.
Published: 27-10-2017
Duration: 14:44
Definition: sd
View: 14688
Like: 61
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 40
Duration: 14:44
Definition: sd
View: 14688
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Comment: 40
merakit sound system
merakit speaker sound system.
merakit speaker sound system.
Published: 13-07-2017
Duration: 6:10
Definition: hd
View: 5932
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Comment: 8
Duration: 6:10
Definition: hd
View: 5932
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Comment: 8
How to build a crossover basic
Crap video but might help some people. Recorded on my phone. I'm no videographer.
Crap video but might help some people. Recorded on my phone. I'm no videographer.
Published: 26-06-2014
Duration: 6:51
Definition: sd
View: 58795
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 11
Duration: 6:51
Definition: sd
View: 58795
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 11
100% DIY Build 2-Way Hifi Passive Crossover
Build your own hifi passive crossover for bookshelf speakers, tower speakers, home theater speakers, center speakers, or any other audio application. Here's the specifications: CROSSOVER...
Build your own hifi passive crossover for bookshelf speakers, tower speakers, home theater speakers, center speakers, or any other audio application. Here's the specifications: CROSSOVER...
Published: 03-05-2017
Duration: 5:45
Definition: hd
View: 93568
Like: 360
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 59
Duration: 5:45
Definition: hd
View: 93568
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 59
2 way passive crossover
this is a video of a 2 way passive crossover I use in my speaker cabinet.
this is a video of a 2 way passive crossover I use in my speaker cabinet.
Published: 03-12-2011
Duration: 2:10
Definition: sd
View: 100585
Like: 86
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 26
Duration: 2:10
Definition: sd
View: 100585
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 26
Cara membuat/merakit speaker pasif buat pemula
Cara sederhana merakit speaker pasif buat pemula, menggunakan woofer 4 inch, Tweeter dan crossover pasif 2 way... Box type sealed/tanpa lubang angin utk mendapatkan bass yg ketat/tight dan...
Cara sederhana merakit speaker pasif buat pemula, menggunakan woofer 4 inch, Tweeter dan crossover pasif 2 way... Box type sealed/tanpa lubang angin utk mendapatkan bass yg ketat/tight dan...
Published: 13-06-2017
Duration: 7:7
Definition: sd
View: 8143
Like: 6
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 17
Duration: 7:7
Definition: sd
View: 8143
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 17
Cara Membuat Mini mixer sound layout dan penjelasan PCB
Cara membuat mini mixer audio dengan layout PCB dan skema serta penjelasan routing nya pada bentuk jadi nya silahkan cek tutorial lengkap nya di
Cara membuat mini mixer audio dengan layout PCB dan skema serta penjelasan routing nya pada bentuk jadi nya silahkan cek tutorial lengkap nya di
Published: 01-08-2017
Duration: 4:7
Definition: sd
View: 13164
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 21
Duration: 4:7
Definition: sd
View: 13164
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Comment: 21
Cara membuat tone control pasif
Tone control pasif ini tidak membutuhkan suplay tegangan dari adaptor seperti tone control pada umumnya. Hasil nada yang dihasilkan juga tidak kalah dengan tone control aktif, jadi rangkain...
Tone control pasif ini tidak membutuhkan suplay tegangan dari adaptor seperti tone control pada umumnya. Hasil nada yang dihasilkan juga tidak kalah dengan tone control aktif, jadi rangkain...
Published: 28-11-2017
Duration: 10:15
Definition: sd
View: 4919
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Comment: 10
Duration: 10:15
Definition: sd
View: 4919
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Comment: 10
Merakit Subwoofer Murah
Silahkan Kunjungi vidio ini Untuk Perakitannya
Silahkan Kunjungi vidio ini Untuk Perakitannya
Published: 16-12-2017
Duration: 1:8
Definition: sd
View: 1422
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Comment: 3
Duration: 1:8
Definition: sd
View: 1422
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 3
External Passive Crossover for Subwoofer
Hello YouTube, here's an update to my Passive Subwoofer project, as promise, to build an External Passive Crossover Network. I needed a couple of crossovers as the subwoofer speaker has been...
Hello YouTube, here's an update to my Passive Subwoofer project, as promise, to build an External Passive Crossover Network. I needed a couple of crossovers as the subwoofer speaker has been...
Published: 17-11-2016
Duration: 3:52
Definition: hd
View: 35952
Like: 123
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 24
Duration: 3:52
Definition: hd
View: 35952
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Comment: 24
Published: 30-01-2017
Duration: 11:50
Definition: hd
View: 16353
Like: 39
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 47
Duration: 11:50
Definition: hd
View: 16353
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 47
Memasang Speaker Tweeter
Memasang tweeter speaker sebaik nya gunakan cross over..namun cara yang paling sederhana cukup pasang elko ukurĂ n 4.7mf/ 50v.
Memasang tweeter speaker sebaik nya gunakan cross over..namun cara yang paling sederhana cukup pasang elko ukurĂ n 4.7mf/ 50v.
Published: 12-08-2017
Duration: 3:14
Definition: hd
View: 11398
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Comment: 39
Duration: 3:14
Definition: hd
View: 11398
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 39
OCL 607B test, trafo 3A untuk LOW tes 2 x 18" 1000W ACR Premier
Tes frek low tanpa mid, driver ocl 607b dg trafo 3a hanya untuk tes handle 2 x 1000W, 18" tidak begitu mengecewakan, trafo lebih, besar lebih joss, aksesoris tambahan, BBE rakitan, Crossover rakitan.
Tes frek low tanpa mid, driver ocl 607b dg trafo 3a hanya untuk tes handle 2 x 1000W, 18" tidak begitu mengecewakan, trafo lebih, besar lebih joss, aksesoris tambahan, BBE rakitan, Crossover rakitan.
Published: 03-04-2017
Duration: 1:6
Definition: hd
View: 11840
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Comment: 4
Duration: 1:6
Definition: hd
View: 11840
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Comment: 4
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