Hanya 8 Negara ini yang Akan Menguasai Dunia di Masa Depan #YtCrash
Saat ini, Amerika masih menjadi negara adi kuasa atau negara super power. Keterlibatannya dalam berbagai urusan di dunia dan dominasi dalam hal ekonomi memang membuat negara lain seolah seperti...
Saat ini, Amerika masih menjadi negara adi kuasa atau negara super power. Keterlibatannya dalam berbagai urusan di dunia dan dominasi dalam hal ekonomi memang membuat negara lain seolah seperti...
Published: 25-03-2017
Duration: 8:41
Definition: hd
View: 2353148
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Comment: 2368
Duration: 8:41
Definition: hd
View: 2353148
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Comment: 2368
3 Cara Selamat dari Ancaman Senjata Nuklir "PERANG DUNIA III" - Versi THE BEST SPOT
Manusia telah lolos dari dua pertempuran global: Perang Dunia I dan Perang Dunia II -- yang ditutup dengan tragedi mengerikan bom atom yang meluluhlantakkan Hiroshima dan Nagasaki, Jepang....
Manusia telah lolos dari dua pertempuran global: Perang Dunia I dan Perang Dunia II -- yang ditutup dengan tragedi mengerikan bom atom yang meluluhlantakkan Hiroshima dan Nagasaki, Jepang....
Published: 10-12-2016
Duration: 4:26
Definition: sd
View: 23043
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Comment: 15
Duration: 4:26
Definition: sd
View: 23043
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Comment: 15
What If the Soviet Union Reunited Today?
The USSR died decades ago. But what would the world look like if for whatever reason the Soviet Union reunited today? What would the modern USSR look like in the world? This was done in a...
The USSR died decades ago. But what would the world look like if for whatever reason the Soviet Union reunited today? What would the modern USSR look like in the world? This was done in a...
Published: 29-03-2017
Duration: 8:4
Definition: hd
View: 3266308
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Comment: 13310
Duration: 8:4
Definition: hd
View: 3266308
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Comment: 13310
Pidato Kebijakan Luar Negeri Donald Trump (Indonesia Subtitle)
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Klik CC untuk menampilkan subtitle...
Published: 03-05-2016
Duration: 46:21
Definition: hd
View: 11826
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Comment: 9
Duration: 46:21
Definition: hd
View: 11826
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Comment: 9
Guy-Philippe Goldstein: How cyberattacks threaten real-world peace
http://www.ted.com More and more, nations are waging attacks with cyber weapons -- silent strikes on another country's computer systems that leave behind no trace. (Think of the Stuxnet worm.)...
http://www.ted.com More and more, nations are waging attacks with cyber weapons -- silent strikes on another country's computer systems that leave behind no trace. (Think of the Stuxnet worm.)...
Published: 20-10-2011
Duration: 9:25
Definition: sd
View: 36664
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Comment: 186
Duration: 9:25
Definition: sd
View: 36664
Like: 400
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Comment: 186
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